Danica Roem Wants LGBTQ Youth To Care About American Politics!

Danica Roem
Danica Roem

Danica Roem was crying with her hands on her face while kneeling, that moment was captured forever in the pages of history books. This incident was in 2017 when Danica Roem became the first transgender to be elected as a state lawmaker in Virginia. She is the first transgender but now, along with her, many transgenders have gotten themselves to be selected to serve inside a state legislative assembly.

Danica Roem Will Forever Remain Etched On The Pages Of History Books!

Danica Roem is proud to get her name in this trial, which remains not so well populated til now. She is proud of the moment when the American people looked at her, identified her as a trans person but still let her win. They gave her a massive chance. Earlier in this month, Roem said in her interview that her constituents will always be the most important group of people in her heart.

She is also proud to not have hidden her true identity and made people like and support her. In pride month, Roem is trying to deliver a message to the younger generation inside the community of LGBTQ. Her message is for those having a phobia towards American politics. 

Danica Roem said that being an LGBTQ person means that they would have to care about American politics. Inside the Delegates House, Danica represents the thirteenth district of Virginia. The area allotted to her is the point of the Civil War’s 1st major battle. There are more things and locations named after Stonewall Jackson, Confederate General, inside her district than the total number of Starbucks stores locations. Danica Roem also added how her knowledge is influenced by local issues. She spent her childhood and teen years in the area of Manassas, the same which she represents currently.