Russian Spy Caught Due To Overconfidence

Russian Spy

Messages purportedly exchanged between a Russian spy and his supervisor are found in court records that provide a wild glimpse into the decades-long cover narrative that eventually drastically unraveled.

The texts were included in criminal records made available to the public by the Department of Justice, which is accusing Sergey Cherkasov of espionage.

The Russian Spy wrote, “Today we fucking drink!!!” and subsequently, “We fucking did it!!!” He would come to the US “with such a status of a filthy top-dude with the wonderful work prospects, citizenship perspectives,” according to another communication released by the Department of Justice. Despite his belief in the cover narrative, Cherkasov’s luck ran out in the subsequent decades, according to the records.

Russian Spy Thought It Was Easy To Enter The US

The DOJ said that Cherkasov attempted to find employment in the US government, think tanks, and the media after completing his course in the country—which, according to CNN, was at Johns Hopkins University.

In the end, it said, he got approved for an apprenticeship at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands, but Dutch security barred him from entering when he attempted to take it in April 2022.

Shortly after, he was apprehended in Brazil and accused of fraud and theft of identity, according to the DOJ. Then, Brazilian agents discovered a sizable collection of material, which they sent to the FBI to help it establish its case. Afterward, he was found guilty in Brazil and sentenced to 15 years in jail.

According to the lawsuit, the Russian Spyv was taken into custody with numerous hard drives, a phone, and information about a cover narrative that dated back more than ten years. According to the docs, his hard discs reportedly contained a map to a hiding site in São Paulo.